Welcome to The Crothers Way. You are invited to browse our website to see the products and services we have available to help you and your animals. The Crothers Way is located at Cedar Brook Farm, a 30-acre farm in beautiful West Union, Adams County, Ohio - God's Country as some would have it known (see Contact Us tab for map).
Our years of working with and studying the animals on our farm have helped us develop methods and Products that will assist you with handling, training, and caring for your horses. Our investigative journey has also led us to the discovery that several of our products and treatments transfer to cattle and dogs, and we've even developed products that may help you!
In addition, we also offer a wide range of therapies and treatments for animals that need a little help to get back to their peak performance (see Services), be that horses off the racetrack, barrel racers, show horses, or your favorite riding horse.
Cedar Brook Farm offers boarding, breaking, broodmare management, sales prep, etc., with a large number of stalls, an indoor arena, outdoor arena, multiple paddocks, trails, an office, and is even home to the Crothers Way Tack Shop.
Be sure to view the entire website to see all of the products and services we have available to help you!

Ed Crothers, the Equine Analyst, grew up on a farm in southern Ohio. Ed's father was a blacksmith and horse trainer. He instilled the love of horses in Ed at a very young age and Ed began developing the horsemanship that has continued to develop over his entire life. After spending so much of his life riding and working with horses, it seemed a natural progression for Ed to make a career in the equine world.
Ed's early career was centered around farm, stallion, and broodmare management at several Ohio Thoroughbred farms.
In 1996, Ed decided it was time to establish his own farm and he began the development of Cedar Brook Farm, a farm devoted to Ed's love of training horses of all breeds and disciplines. This farm is where Ed developed The Crothers Way Philosophy and is where Ed does his work with "Good Horses Gone Bad," Ed's term for horses that have developed a bad attitude for reasons that may not be readily apparent!
Today, Ed continues to breed, board, and break Thoroughbreds, as well as breaking and training horses for pleasure, barrel racing, trail, etc. Ed also spends his time doing treatments on horses and cattle, along with demonstrations of his products and techniques, and is continually developing new products and methods to help you.
Nana's Primitive Barn
Cedar Brook Farm is also home to Nana's Primitive Barn, owned and operated by Ed's wife, Angie (www.nanaspb.com).
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/nanasprimitivebarn/)

The Crothers Way - Cedar Brook Farm
4228 Unity Road, West Union, Ohio 45693
(937) 725-5010